Thank you for visiting Dragonsoft Studios.

I am your humble dragon host, Roahm Mythril.

Please enjoy your stay!

Recent Updates :

04/30/2024 - Things are at least slowly getting better, so hopefully things continue on this path.

So the big thing still on my mind is of course my friend's health situation, but overall, it sounds like things are slowly improving.  We're still in a waiting period for them to get their final scan to make sure the treatment did what it was supposed to, but the doctors are saying numbers are looking good.  Recovery is slow, but hopefully things are going the right way.

I want to extend my thanks to fans and viewers who have been understanding.  I hope to get back to regular work soon (tm), but it may still take a little time.  Also going to have to remember exactly where I was in BN5, but I think I have the basic gist of it.  I would still like to keep doing friend gaming sessions though, so in the future, even when I'm back to normal work, I might still want to pepper in friend game sessions here and there.  We'll see how things go at that point.

But for now, updates.

- The Library has been updated with some new games.  Special thanks to Neo and Pudding Mage for the team up donation of PlateUp!

- The Patreon page has been updated with all new backers.  My most sincere thanks to everyone for their continued support, it truly means so much.

- The Fan Art gallery has been updated with a new work by Wason Liu.  Thanks for the art!


04/01/2024 - It feels kind of odd to not have done a gag reel this year, but at the same time, one less bit of stress on me.  Here's hoping for a better year ahead.  With more mistakes.... or.... something like that....?

Anyway, things are slowly getting better, hopefully.  My doctor visit was... weird though.  For one thing, the clinic changed locations without telling anyone, so that was fun trying to track down where they moved at 7:30 in the morning.  And then they decided to just renew my meds and get me back on those, and NOT do any bloodwork.  So I fasted for nothing.  Fun!  But at least I'm back on most of my meds.  Also got some paperwork that might help in getting me back on my diabetes injections, which would be good, so yeah.  Hopefully helpful stuff.

My friend meanwhile is in the last phase of their treatments for the health situation.  Unfortunately it's going to be about six weeks after that before we know for sure if it did what it was supposed to, but hopefully, good news to come.

So anyway, site updates :

- The Patreon page has been updated with all new backers.  My sincere gratitude for your continued support!

- The Library has been updated with some new games.  Special shoutout to VermillionZero for basically giving me ALL the 100% Orange Juice DLC, including a few other games by the devs that unlock special characters in OJ.


2/29/2024 - Another year older, and... things haven't improved much.  As it stands?  The car still isn't fixed, jury duty still looms, my meds are running out again because I can't get in for my checkup, and my friend is still going through treatments due to the health issue stuff.  (internal screaming intensifies)

Truthfully, the online gaming sessions I've been enjoying with my friends have really been a big help in keeping me going.  I'm glad most people seem to be understanding, as well as enjoying the content produced by these sessions.  We have a few other possibilities of games we might record and post, and hopefully some things start getting resolved so I can feel less like a big pile of anxiety, stress, and depression (0/10, would not recommend).

Not really much else to update this time, but :

- The Library has been updated with some new games, mostly things gotten on or around my birthday.


1/31/2024 - Soooooo thus far 2024 seems to be living up to its predecessor, and not in good ways.

I recently did a Duck Updates vid on the channel, and suffice it to say, everything I talked about there still has yet to actually be resolved.  Our car still isn't fixed, I still haven't been able to go in for my medical appointment, and jury duty has merely been postponed until March.

More of a worry though of course is my friend's health condition.  He went in for the biopsy, and the results weren't what we were hoping for.  He just had surgery earlier today in preparation for his treatments, which begin next Monday.  So probably still going to be a bit on edge until we see how the treatments go.  Obviously being intentionally vague, so please no further questions, but keep a good thought in your heart if you would.

I'm hoping to maybe see if I can get some friends together to do some group recording for fun, could definitely use some "Break the Durgon" time to get my mind off stuff, so I'll see if I can get that organized in the near future.

Anyway, updates time yo :

- The last year's updates have been archived.

- The Library has been updated with a few Switch games I got, and the arrival of my Xenoblade amiibos.

- The Patreon page has been updated with all new backers.  My sincere and eternal thanks to those who have supported me through these difficult times.