
CATCH HER by Jon Causith95 viewsI remember feeling quite frantic in these scenes, wondering if I was going to get a worse ending if I missed her or something...

Bowser by Jon Causith88 viewsI seriously have to wonder what made the people at Nintendo decide "Let's give Bowser a copter. And make it look like a clown face."

Blade Man by Jon Causith102 viewsMy favorite MM10 Robot Master! There's something just really unique and stylized about his appearance. And hey, I like purple.

Adeline by Jon Causith94 viewsI always liked Adeline, I kind of wish she'd show up in more Kirby games.

Flash Man by Jon Causith100 viewsWhile he may be an unusual choice, Flash Man is my favorite Robot Master from Mega Man 2. His stage, theme, and abilities just all strike me as interesting.

Wave Beam by Jon Causith102 viewsEven if you absolutely NEED the Ice Beam in most Metroid games, somehow, I've just always thought the Wave Beam felt like Samus' most iconic beam weapon. I wonder what others think on that subject?

Spyro and Sheep Man by Jon Causith106 viewsSo Jon randomly drew Sheep Man one day, saying he was surprised to be doing so, though he does actually like him. And then I randomly imagined Spyro chasing him trying to get butterflies for Sparx. And then art happened!

Original Kanto Team From Memory by Jon Causith104 viewsSometimes Jon likes to test himself by drawing characters from memory. This time, he tested himself by drawing my original Kanto Pokemon Team of Kadabra, Machoke, Hitmonchan, Jynx, Scyther, and Porygon. He did pretty nicely!

MagicMan EXE by Jon Causith100 viewsI always wished MagicMan would have gotten more appearances in the Battle Network series, I just really liked his Navi incarnation, my overall favorite.

Lazybones by Jon Causith98 viewsSo conversations about Undertale may have happened. They may have involved puns. And skeletons. And skeletons that like puns.

Jynx Haunting by Jon Causith101 viewsWhile discussing my original Kanto Pokemon team, Jon mentioned that a lot of later Jynx sprites seemed extra freaky to him.

IDOL Pancakes by Jon Causith94 viewsIn Hyrule, the pancakes eat you!.... or at least your shield.
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