It's Always the Birds by Airmanon282 viewsBe it Cataquacks, the Sand Bird, Tengu Man, Withered Chica, or Infinity Mijinion, it's always the freaking birds.
Gathering of Cute by Airmanon269 viewsI do have quite a collection of minor enemies from various games that I find cute. Honestly, the Storm Wizards would probably go in there too, haha. Also Propeller Mice from Shovel Knight. So adorable.
Poor NAME REDACTED 2 by airmanon333 viewsWhat can I say? The second boss of the Proto Man Castle stages is not difficult by any means...
This Isn't Happening by Airmanon310 viewsTravis, stop, you're not in Eternal Darkness. You're also not Harry Mason, so stop stealing his moves.
Sight Badge by Airmanon263 viewsOver on my Tumblr, I'd been asked what sort of Gym Leader I'd be. I had said I would be a Psychic leader, and that my badge would be the Sight Badge, giving a description of it. This comes pretty close in fact to what I had in mind.
12 Days of Christmas by Airmanon304 viewsQuite a selection here! And yes, Elec Man, you'll always have a place in our hearts.
Firing Backwards by Airmanon364 viewsA weird glitch during the MM3 Skull Castle rematch stage caused this one. There are some teleporters that, depending on how you enter, you may end up firing backwards when you first start the fight.
Favorite Kirby Enemies by Airmanon330 viewsTaking a page from Jon Causith's comparison images, Airmanon wanted to compare our favorite Kirby enemies. I always did like Poppy Bros. for some reason.
Triforce of Pargon by airmanon398 viewsWell, I suppose the "this is important" color coded LoZ text is the proper color for the three ancients...
The Legend of Mercury by airmanon342 viewsWell I guess someone's happy with all the stuff I'm not getting.
Seriously by airmanon356 viewsI still find it silly that Mercury can steal something that major from you.
Sleep, Go by airmanon337 viewsDuring my Kirby's Adventure race with Kit, Shagg, Pink, and Chompie, I knew I was not going to win on time. I decided I'd at least go for having every ability in the game at least once. The decision was made by conciously getting Sleep. Good night.
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